Friday, April 10, 2020

Learn How To Answer These 5 Hard Job Interview Questions

Job interviews are hard and no matter how many you do they can still be very nerve-wracking. Employers like to use the interview process to ask specific questions which will help them find out more about you as a person and what you can bring to their company. At Essay Writing Service UK we have come up with solutions on how to answer some of the most common and trickiest interview questions. (source) What is your biggest weakness? Never never never answer this question with I have none'. An employer will like to trick you with this question because, after all, you'll want to downplay any flaws or weaknesses. A good way to approach this question is to think how you have overcome any weaknesses. If you're not so good at public speaking for example, explain how you are trying to improve, using examples. Another solution is to take one of your strengths and consider any potential downsides. Look at strengths and weaknesses like different sides of a coin. If you work well in teams then emphasise your role as a team player but explain that you may find it difficult to take on a leadership role or manage disagreements and conflict. What has been your greatest achievement? (source) If you're fresh into work from university you are likely to be stuck with this example but employers aren't necessarily looking for work-related successes. Think of a recent example of something you have completed, achieved or succeeded in that you are proud of. Some perfect examples include any awards you have won, high grades you have received, sports-relating activities, and charity work. Even if it's not a professional achieve make the most of it to demonstrate your values and skills to an employer. Describe yourself in three words... (source) This often leaves people stuck with an answer. Choose your words wisely because these will give an indication of your character to an employer. In its basic form it's a getting to know you' question and three simple words can tell a lot. Use positive words that are actually relevant to you as a person but be sure to avoid adjectives that have negative or adverse effects. Words such as humble' or fearless' can sound ironic and arrogant, whilst describing yourself as independent' suggests that you only work well on your own and aren't a good team player. Think carefully about which words to avoid and choose ones that can be applied to a professional environment. There are variations to this question such as how would your friends/family describe you?'. Learn what words to say before your interview to prove positive aspects of your personality. Describe a time when you made a mistake... (source) Everyone makes mistakes and your employer will understand this. What they are looking for is how you overcame the mistake or resolved this issue, rather than caring about the mistake itself. This is a chance to show off your problem-solving skills to demonstrate that you can succeed in times of strain. Think of a time when there was a problem and describe the process of getting over this. Whether there was a dispute during a teamwork activity, or you forgot your lines during a presentation, utilise these examples to show your initiative at coping with the challenging situation. Employers are looking for evidence of how you handle pressure and remain calm. It is not a chance to criticise your classmates or co-workers, or pass the blame though, so be diplomatic about your answer. Where do you see yourself in five years' time? (source) Perhaps a bit of a daunting question, particularly if this will be your first job; there are clear ways on how to answer and how not to answer this question. Employers want to see your ambition and determination to pursue a career path you are genuinely interested in. Prove your enthusiasm for the job role, show off any of your knowledge about the sector, and have an understanding of where the company fits into this. There is a fine line between showing enthusiasm and seeming somewhat false though. It is not an issue to explain how keen you are about continuing the role for some time but that you also want to pursue further progression. Progressing in your chosen job path proves to an employer that you are determined to succeed and understand that it may take time to move through the ranks. Avoid making it sound like you will be hopping from company to company though. Now that you are armed with these solutions to some of the toughest interview questions we wish you luck in your latest career path. For any help with your assignments, get in touch with us here at Essay Writing Service UK. Have a read through the rest of our blog for more study and career advice. Visit TARGETjobs, a valuable resource for recent graduates, for further job guidance and interview help.